If you are looking for a flower that really shows off, look no further than an Amaryllis. These easy to grow bulbs are a marvel, producing huge, exotic looking blooms with very little work. Though not traditionally a holiday plant, these stunning flowers are growing in popularity each year.
Growing Amaryllis is fairly simple and the bulbs are available at the garden centre now. They need approximately 8 weeks to bloom, so if you would like them to be in full show for the holidays now is a good time to start them. For a longer show try planting multiple bulbs over alternating weeks so you can enjoy them well into January when we are all looking for a burst of colour.
The easiest way to grow an Amaryllis is to purchase a kit that includes everything you will need to get them started. Kits usually contain a pot, soil and the bulb and it generally takes just a few minutes to put it all together and plant the bulb. Alternatively you can buy the bulb on its own and create your own display.
When purchasing a bulb look for a large, healthy bulb, with some roots still attached. Generally, the bigger the bulb, the bigger the flower it will produce. Bulbs can be planted in soil or in water, so it is important to decide which you are planting in before picking a pot or container. If you are planting in soil be sure your pot is wide enough to hold the bulb with 5cm to spare so the bulb is not touching the pot. Another good tip when choosing a pot is to make sure it is heavy enough to combat the top-heaviness of the flowers: a clay pot, or one that is large enough to be weighed down with a few stones on the bottom should do the trick.
Begin by partially filling your pot with good quality potting soil, and then
place the bulb in with the roots hanging down towards the bottom. The top of your bulb should be just below the rim of your pot. Next add some soil around your bulb, but leave the top half of it uncovered. Water the soil around the bulb and place it in a warm sunny location. Continue to water sparingly (on the soil only) until you see growth appear when you can begin watering more regularly.
If you would like to try something different, consider planting your bulb in a tall vase or container with water. It is important that the container you use will hold the bulb so that only the roots are touching the water, therefore a tapered or hourglass shape is often best. Alternatively you can partially fill a tall vase or container with decorative stones and place your bulb on the stones leaving the roots to hang down to the water below. Ensure that the container has a consistent level of water and place in a warm, sunny location.
Once the flowers are finished many people are not sure what to do with their bulb, but it is fairly simple to save the bulbs from one year to the next. After the flowers have been removed cut the stalk down to a few centimeters above the bulb. Then treat the bulb as you would any other houseplant over the
winter and summer months. The plant will produce long, strapping leaves and these are important as they are gathering nutrition to grow again next year. Next fall the leaves will begin to yellow and this is the sign they are ready to be cut back to about two inches. Place the plant in a cool, shaded area for about 6 weeks, and then transplant to fresh soil to start the process again.
If you want to create a stunning display, sure to impress, plant an Amaryllis. Stop by the garden center and we will help you find everything you need to grow one of these beautiful bulbs this holiday season.
For Planting Instructions, Watch This Video:
Any chance of getting a hard copy of this to keep on hand ? Irene
Absolutely! If you could email us at Vander1@tbaytel.net we could arrange that 🙂
I wonder if you could send me a hard copy of the Amaryllis care and planting as well.
Thanks. Wilma.
Absolutely! We will email it.
Do you sell leek seeds
We do have them, they are one of the Weston Seeds.
Can a person buy one already in bloom? I’m looking for a birthday present for someone
Hi Doug,
We often sell them in bloom, but unfortunately it is out of season for them right now. We do have a good selection of flowering plants, and our spring bulbs have arrived in store as well.
Do you carry morning glory
Yes we do!
Hi. My niece in TBay spotted some “red lilly beetles” in a flower bed. Do you have something that will get rid!!! of these lily destroyers? Thanks. If you do I will pass the info on to her. Thanks.
Yes we do, Malathion will do the trick. Tell her to come by the store and we can help her out 🙂
THANK YOU! Appreciate the speedy reply. I will pass the info on to her.
Hello again. Last 2 years I’ve seen holes in some lily buds (not bulb) and after blooming the petals are very deformed. Looked at a few of the deformed flowers and saw a very tiny black bug(s) in it. Sounds like the lily thrip but from what I’ve read this thrip supposedly lives in the bulb. Wondering if it can migrate to and eat into buds, would you know? Do you have any other ideas what this might be? And how to control it? I’ve been reading that a granular systemic insecticide might be the way to go? Do you have? Will be in TBay this Wed-Sat and will stop by if you think you have a solution to this problem. Thanks for your time. Terry.
It is possible it is thrips. The other possibility is a lily beetle, they have become increasingly troublesome in our area. Either of these can be controlled with Malathion. If you are coming in and could bring a sample of the insect, or pictures that would help us identify it for you.
Thank you for the fast response. Sorry, don’t have a pic or sample. It’s an almost microscopic black bug. It’s not a beetle. I had asked if you carried some type of systemic granular insecticide in stock. Do you? or are these now banned by Ont gov’t. I will think about the Malathion. You had recommended Pyrethins to my niece for red lily beetle. Might that work or does this stuff have be sprayed directly on the bug to be effective. As my bug lives inside the plant I won’t be able to spray it directly. Thanks very much for your help. Terry
It is likely thrips then. Yes systemic insecticides are not sold in Ontario, however Malathion will work, spray the plants and the surrounding area. The pyrethin dust works best on hard bodied insects who will ingest it
Thank you. I will try the Malathion. Mary is going to drop by today (I think) and pick some up.
do you sell pomato plants (a grafted potato/cherry tomato)
I’m sorry we do not.
2 questions …..you have trees on the South end of your trees out front ( by the Road) the have loads of white flowers.Can you tell me their name.
Also zucchini …..loads of flowers, no vegetables, are they all male plants . 5 plants
Friend with me the same day also bought some & are eating theirs????
The zucchini likely has to do with a lack of pollination. If they are still flowering you could try self-pollinating with a Q-tip.
I dont see anything white flowering on that end of the road, is it possible it was persicaria polymorpha? It is a very tall white flowering perennial we have in front of our sign.
Do you sell milk paint?
No I’m sorry we do not sell any paint