Have you ever walked out into your garden, and as beautiful as it is, you felt like something was missing? Chances are you are looking for some ‘finishing touches’. Just as we add features such as photos, wall art, and decor inside our home, your garden may not feel complete without some attention to detail. You can have a great garden design, and plenty of colourful flowers, but without the finishing touches it may feel flat.
There are a number of ways to add these touches to your garden, whether it is adding a pop of colour, an element of sound, or something fun and whimsical.
Many gardeners enjoy having a focal point in the garden – this of course can be a tree, shrub or other plant, but it can also be a great way to include a fountain in the yard. Fountains add both visual interest, as well as the element of sound. There are many options for fountains today, whether large or small, natural looking or more modern, as well as the possibility of adding colour and light.
Another great way to add a finishing touch to the garden is the use of garden art. This can take many forms such as statues, gazing balls, wall art, metal art or hanging pieces. Even small pieces of decor have a large impact, whether nestled into a garden or displayed on a porch or entryway. Think gazing balls, welcome signs, small statues and mosaic stepping stones tucked into corners of your garden.
Small statues easily fit into almost any spot in the garden and with so many options you are sure to find one that suits your personal style. Try placing one at the base of a tree, or tucking it under large overhanging foliage. Gazing balls are perfect for adding a spot of colour and interest in the garden. Adding a solar gazing ball also gives the benefit of light at night!
Wall art, while traditionally thought of for inside the home, has grown in popularity in recent years and as such has created a great many options. Often made of metal, and either in neutral or brightly coloured tones, these pieces can be hung directly on the outside of your home, on fences, or even attached to a strong trellis.
Adding vertical interest can make a big impact on the garden. This can be as simple as a unique trellis, a brightly coloured windmill, or an old wooden ladder. You can also draw the eye up with a hanging piece: chimes, windsocks, garden flags, and sun catchers can be just the finishing touch you were looking for.
Finally I always like to consider what my garden looks like at night. The warm glow of light can transform your garden from dark and gloomy to warm and inviting. There are many options for adding light to the outside of your home, but my personal favourite is solar lights. From solar birdfeeders and gazing balls, to the more traditional path lights it is easy and affordable to add light to the garden.
You may be surprised how a few simple pieces can create a whole new look in your garden, and give it that “finishing touch”.
What you said about adding some vertical interest to a garden, like using a windmill or a ladder, was really interesting to me. It sounds like it’s an interesting decorating idea, and one that could be hard to use properly. To be honest, I think it could be really interesting to see some pictures of this being utilized. I’m sure there can be a lot of variety of decorations that can do this, and it could be cool to see what people have done to match the overall theme of their garden.
I agree with you that small statues are a good fit for a garden. I’m looking to add some to mine here soon. I don’t know what to really go for but I think I’ll be able to find some good ones.